"I have found Colleen to be very dedicated and reliable. She has a great love for the Lord and willing to do
anything within her area of giftedness to serve Him. She is a great prayer warrior and is valuable to any
team in this capacity. She also has many gifts and is very caring and encouraging to those she serves with."
Rev. Lynda Lubbs-DeVore, Saturday Nite Alive (Montgomery, Illinois)
"Colleen is sensitive to the Spirit of God, and I am sure she will do whatever she can to spread the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, in words as well as actions . . . She is of high moral character and integrity"
Eunice C. Rudd, Aglow International of Sugar Grove, IL
"I have a lot of faith in Colleen's ability and trustworthiness, but am especially impressed by her correct
motive and honest desire to please God in every aspect of her life."
Dr. James Maloney, Harvest Cry Ministries (Fort Worth, TX)
"Her prayers are mighty. When she prays I know heaven has heard. Change is imminent when she prays."
MaryAnn Fruth, Intercessor (Pilot Point, TX)
"She has a hunger for God that continues to evidence itself in good times and tough times. Colleen is a woman
of integrity and desires godly character over personal comfort . . . She has a genuine love and compassion for
people coupled with a desire to touch them with the life and love of Jesus."
Thomas J. Body (St. Anthony, MN)