Rev. Colleen Marie,
Founder & President
is a
passionate & compassionate speaker, teacher and
prayer warrior!
Main Page
Mission Statement
Ministerial Bio
Ministerial Call
Personal Testimony
Contact Information
Booking Information
Guest Book
Other Ministries
Closing Blessing
My first and foremost call is to be a servant wherever and to whomever the Lord may send me - to be a vessel
through which He can flow through to accomplish His Purposes. Secondly, I believe that the Lord has called
me to minister in the Apostolic and Prophetic. I liken this to a Cardiologist. Just as in the natural as
our hearts are healthy and functioning properly, life is given to the other members of our body. So it is
the same spiritually. As our hearts and lives are healed, restored and freed from any and all kinds of
infection such as sin, woundedness, or anything that might hinder us in our relationship with the Lord, we
are able to be the people He has called us to be in this Hour - vessels through which His Purposes can be
accomplished in the Earth. This also includes seeing individuals raised up into their Giftings and Callings.
Thirdly, my heart is to win the Lost and see them discipled in the Ways of God and fulfilling the Destiny the
Lord has spoken over their lives. In a simple nutshell, my heart literally breaks when I see people in a
prison of the Enemy whether it is physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or financial. I desire to see those
Captives set free and fulfilling the Destiny God has for their lives. I am willing to do whatever it takes to
see that happen.