Rev. Colleen Marie,
Founder &  President
is a
passionate &  compassionate
speaker, teacher and
prayer warrior!

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  Closing Blessing

Salvation Experience

I received Christ as my Personal Lord and Savior on April 6, 1986, in the car on the way to a church convention in York, PA. Prior to this, I had been raised in Catholic and Lutheran foster homes since the age of 3½. During that time, I experienced tremendous rejection and abuse. This was to the point that several times I was told that there was no natural reason for me to be alive - But GOD!! At a very young age though, I loved God (for what I understood of Him) and wanted to follow Him. I just never knew what it was to experience Him as My Personal Lord and Savior. Six months prior to my Salvation Experience, I was filled with tremendous fear, hopelessness and despair as well as believing the lies of the Enemy that the rejection and the abuse were my fault. So as a result, I attempted suicide. But in this attempt, I had a wrestling match between me, a butcher knife and the Holy Spirit. Prior to this, I had never experienced the Presence of God in such a real and powerful way! During this time, I also did not believe that there was any purpose to my life. So, not only did God save me spiritually but also physically-time and time again! Over the years, I have seen the Lord heal, deliver and restore my life physically, emotionally and spiritually. He has also filled me with a sense of Purpose and Destiny unlike I have ever known! My heart's desire is that others will experience the life transforming power of God in their hearts and lives!

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

I received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues on May 14, 1986, while in a church service at Faith Tabernacle in Aurora, IL. The longer I walk with the Lord, the more I realize how desperately I need the Holy Spirit flow in me and through me. I realize that there is nothing of eternal value that I can do except what the Holy Spirit does through me.

Baptism in Water

I was baptized in water as a believer on July 18, 1986 in the Fox River in Montgomery, IL.

Call into Ministry

I received the Call into Ministry in February of 1987 at a Missions Conference at First Assembly of God Church in Aurora, IL. I knew at that point that my life would never be complete unless I was in full time ministry. Prior to this, during some private devotion time with the Lord, the Lord spoke Jeremiah 1:5-12 to me. When He had first spoken that to me, that Call in many ways scared me to pieces (and at times still does.). I was convinced that the Lord had the wrong person and could give Him a list of people who I thought were more qualified than I was or am. Over the years, I am coming to understand more and more, that it is not by our power or might but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6) and that He desires to take the foolish things of this world and confound the wise. All He asks is for a willing and obedient vessel through which to flow through!